Sunday, August 12, 2012

Dating and the Olympics Effect

While I'm a huge fan of the Olympics, why is it that suddenly every time my friends try to fix me up with someone he "looks just like Ryan Lochte"? It's so cute that they're still trying to get me married off, the dears (note: I am still 2 cats shy of the Crazy Cat Lady mark), but even if all these Lochte comparisons were accurate, that still isn't necessarily a good thing. Oh, he's cute enough and has great abs, but he also seems shallow and immature. A grill at the Olympics? Seriously? Rochester is not the Hood and while he is a great swimmer, its kind of hard to be gangster in a speedo.

Anyway, getting marginally back on topic, while I'd much rather a Chris Pine or Jake Gyllenhal type, my friends have thus far suggested three Lochtes in the past two weeks. I had my first date with one last night. No stupid grill, but not a lot to recommend him otherwise.  I would really like to be able to sit down and talk to someone about topics other than a) the Red Sox (I think baseball is pointless and dull) or b) the Patriots (American football is really wimpy rugby). Have I mentioned I'm not from New England and thus have non-standard team loyalties for those sports I do watch? Alas, it seems all he's good for is Boston sports. Couldn't even think up any hobbies that didn't involve "his" teams. I've had more interesting conversations in elevators.

The real killer, though, was the drinking. While I have no issues with a little social drinking, I don't go for sloppy aging frat boys who drink 14 (yes, I was so bored I counted) beers in under 2 hours. I particularly can't stand sloppy drunks who think I'm going to sleep with them on the first date. Ugh. Maybe he really is channeling Lochte. The best part of this date was laughing about it with the girls over lunch today.

In happier news, I've been changing up my workout lately. I hate, hate, HATE intervals, but they seem to be working. My little black dress is a little too loose. Gives me an excuse to go shopping for a new one before next Friday's blind date. *sigh* I am so not looking forward to it after this last one. Maybe I should just get another cat.