Sunday, October 21, 2012

Tropical Storms

We all have good days and bad days, or in my particular case, good months and bad months. October 2012 is most definitely a bad month. First I break my foot (no more running for at least 3 months, grrrrr) then my 2.5 week business trip becomes 1.5 months and then I wind up all moony over one of my colleagues. Stupid, stupid, stupid! Fortunately, while there's nothing I can do about the foot or the business trip, I have kept the hormone problems strictly to myself (well, obviously except this, and I am not naming names).

On the plus side, I have a TON of new frequent flier miles. I'm thinking I might have to spend some time planning a long delayed trip to Australia soon... because 650k + miles is easily enough to make it there in first class. I'm hoping to find a seat at a decent time of year on Air New Zealand, so I can arrange a stopover.

Before I get too deep into planning a future vacation, I must sadly confess to having to have to cancel my hiking trip this year. I broke my foot in late September and have been told it's a 3 month recovery period and probable surgery to fix (don't ask how I broke it, it's an incredibly long story). Unfortunately, some friends and I were planning to hike the Grand Canyon rim to river to rim on the North and South Kaibab trails this year. Had reservations at Phantom Ranch too (so we could spend a few days down at the river). I have been looking forward to that trip all year. It was my reward to me for the assignment from hell this year. So, of course, less than a month before I'm supposed to lace up my hiking boots, I have to cancel out. I was training and everything. *grumbles* They offered to cancel with me, but I couldn't do that to them, so gang I hope it's every bit as wonderful as I remember.

Somewhat after the fact, I discovered that my current business trip was being extended. By 3 weeks. So I am now stuck in the absolute back of beyond / middle of nowhere. It's actually rather pretty around here, but entertainment options in a walking cast are... limited. Fortunately, I've been doing a lot of swimming (it's good for rehab and keeps me from going nuts sitting around being broken). Alas, though, today I seem to have picked up the office cold. At least, that's what I hope it is, as something more serious does NOT appeal right now.

And to my last little problem, I am going to chalk the whole thing up to extreme isolation combined with significant fatigue from attempting to recover from a major injury while working 19 hour days and hope the whole thing is soon nothing but a surreal memory.

Next up on the to-do list: schedule surgery, prep for Puerto Rico (even if it has to be on crutches, I am going on the girls' annual weekend!), stop daydreaming inappropriately during business hours.