Monday, July 30, 2012

Boston 3-Day for a Cure Weekend!

In late January 2008, my stepmother Kathy died after her metastasized breast cancer reached her brain before her doctors could build her up enough to withstand another round of chemo. No complaints with the doctors, she had a particularly aggressive cancer. After crying hysterically for many days and being generally miserable, I got angry. It wasn't fair that a terrific person (no evil stepmother, she) could be taken so long before her time. So, I decided I had to do something to fight back, since she no longer could. I started out that first year as a crew member on the Boston 3-Day (Pit Crew, whoot!). I have participated, as crew and as a walker, in at least one walk each year. This year, I got my 5 year anniversary pin.

I just crewed Boston and (work permitting) will be walking in Philadelphia. This past weekend, pouring rain, thunder and all, was 3-Day weekend. No amount of soggy sneakers can dampen the spirits of the happy pink people, and it is so uplifting to spend a weekend with my 3-Day family. The whole community gets involved in some towns:

And you get to spend time with all sorts of characters:

Even the occasional stray alligator.

Sure, the soccer fields we were sleeping on flooded, turning air mattresses into water beds, yes, the mosquitos have a particular love for my blood, and no, I don't like using port-a-potties (in fact, I spent the entire weekend doing everything in my power to avoid using them), but it's all worth it, and it does make me feel like I'm doing something to reclaim my voice. I didn't have a choice about losing someone I love to cancer, but in some small way, I feel like I'm helping to make sure that some day, no one will have to face this disease or the gaping hole it can leave in families.

Each year, with my feet quaking in my sneakers knowing what's coming, I hope that this is the last year we have to walk, that we'll get the call saying that they've found a cure and we can hang up our sneakers. Maybe there could be one last 3-Day... just a party in pink tents, no walking required. Didn't happen this year, at least not yet. Here's hoping that day comes soon.

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