Saturday, January 12, 2013

Alas, No Death Star

Recently, a petition was submitted to the White House to build a Death Star as a "stimulus" project.  Not unexpectedly, the White House declined to add this initiative to it's 2014 budget request. On a more positive note, the response was largely humorous in a tongue in cheek way - start with the title "This is not the petition response you're looking for". Also, I have to grant they have a point about spending $850 quadrillion plus on a space station vulnerable to successful attack and obliteration by a one manned fighter... or the Millennium Falcon. I think they left a little too much room for ambiguity, though, in their stated policy opposing the annihilation of planets - what about large impactors? Earth was (granted a LONG time ago) smashed into by a Mars-size body, it could theoretically happen again...

This was my first week back at work after an extended period of time off (burning down use or lose vacation time) and everyone is sick. Its so bad that I fear the colleague in the cube across the aisle may actually be becoming a zombie. I have decided I really don't like sitting around all day. I'm not sure what I can do to address that, besides maximizing all possible excuses for getting up and walking around. It's a delicate balance - sitting at my desk makes me bored and unproductive but if I spend too much time away from my desk I will be similarly unproductive. Too bad I can't get one of those treadmill desks, but since our office supply budget has been cut to the point where I bring in my own staples, I'm not counting on that.

For many people, January is diet season, which means it's also the peak of pseudo science season as well. Sugar is poison! Raspberry ketone will make you lose weight even if you eat 5000 calories a day and never walk further than the refrigerator! Do a cleanse and lose 80 lbs! Oy oy oy. Here's reality - if you use some wonky fad to lose weight without making a more substantial change in lifestyle, you will gain back every single ounce plus more. In the interim, the resolutioners are crowing my gym and not wiping down the equipment (eww!). They also don't like the answer to "what's your secret"(there is no secret - eat healthy whole foods and work out regularly while enjoying treats in moderation), which tells me that they'll mostly be gone in another 3 weeks and life will get back to normal.

Oh, and I finally got the all clear for the elliptical, fitness walking and moderate jogging. WHOO!

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