Monday, September 10, 2012

I am (working on being) Runner 5

Those of you who already use the Zombies, Run! app know exactly what I am referencing. Those of you who don't, well, probably think I'm crazy (and you're probably right). This is an app, multi-platform though I use it on my iPhone, that provides you with a storyline that you interact with while you run. The basic idea is that you are a post-zombie-apocalypse survivor. In order to support the little outpost of safety you find yourself in, you need to run around and collect stuff (no actual picking up required) while evading marauding herds of zombies. Herds of zombies... that doesn't sound right, sounds too organized. Swarms maybe?

The storyline plays while you run, and your music is played in between segments (1 song or so between segments for 30 minute runs, 2 songs between segments for hour runs). When zombies are approaching, you have to move faster for ~ 1 minute to outrun them. It seems pretty simple, and it is, but it's totally addictive. You can use the stuff you pick up to improve your base and, if you go longer than 1 hour, you can interact with what they call Radio Mode - you still listen to music, you still get story segments and you still pick up stuff. Thus far, I haven't been in Radio Mode long enough at any one time to find out if you also have to sprint from zombies, as in the main story.

Even though intellectually, I know I'm running in a park full of pedestrians and dogs and babies in strollers and the local high school cross country team, it's surprisingly engrossing and realistic... and creepy. I bring this up because if any of you saw someone jump nearly out of her sneakers today because of a squirrel, there was actually a reason that has nothing to do with an irrational fear of rodents. Still a long way from being ready for either a sprint triathlon or a half marathon (not sure which I'm going to set as my 2013 goal yet; maybe I should put it to a vote), but definitely makes training way more fun.

Technical review: The app is stable, with no crashes in ~3 hours of use so far. Ties into the GPS on your phone to measure distance and determine if you've outrun or been caught by the zombies. If you're running indoors, you can use the device's accelerometer instead of GPS, but I don't know how well (or if) the zombie chases work that way. There are a lot of different levels in the app, and they have added new content recently. I don't know if you have the option of starting over once you finish all the levels, as I'm not nearly there yet (perhaps running through once in 30 minute mode and once in hour mode?). The cost of the app is a bit high by app store standards, at $7.99, but given the many, many hours of use, the different features and the motivation boost I definitely think it's worth it.

Think I might go for a hot stone massage this weekend as a reward if I run at least 21 miles this week (note, 4.6 down if so). Date with "Looks Like Lochte" #3 next weekend. Whale watching. At least it's creative and different, right?

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