Wednesday, September 5, 2012

The Farmshare Dilema

This year, I decided to sign up for a farm share and go *mostly* vegetarian for the summer. I say mostly because I love sea food and this is the best season for it. At first it was pretty great, but lately it's a little overwhelming. First there was an avalanche of zucchini, then the flood of cucumbers and now I'm buried in greens. I'm not a Cordon Bleu chef, but I'm a decent cook and I enjoy figuring out how to prepare new things. I just don't know what to do with 13 (yes THIRTEEN) ears of corn. 

A few months ago, my friend and I had dinner at a Boston restaurant, Toro, that serves Barcelona style tapas. The house specialty is a fabulous grilled corn-on-the-cob dish that I may try to recreate with my husked bounty. Actually, I already figured out how to duplicate the garlic shrimp (from a place who's name I do not know actually in Barcelona) ... if I can ever make a Spanish style tortilla without burning it and duplicate that corn, I can make my next party a tapas party!

I don't know that I'd do a farmshare again, to be honest. I think it's just too much for one person, so I've had to do a lot of preserving and freezing. I spent a rainy day last weekend canning jars of my very own homemade tomato sauce, which turned out to be surprisingly easy. I've also got a very, very full freezer and Swiss Chard running through my veins. I love supporting local farms, and I love the fact that I get fresh food, instead of food shipped from the other side of the planet, but I think I can do that by just shopping at the local farmers markets. There are some great ones nearby in Litchfield, NH. 

In marginally related health news - I am in the market for a new gym. My current one, part of a fairly large chain, used to be great, but they really expanded their membership really quickly and haven't expanded the facility at all. It's gotten very crowded and the maintenance hasn't kept up. It's kind of... gross actually. I think I'm going to sign up for a sprint triathlon for 2013 - I need to have goals to work toward and I think that would be a fun one.

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